Monthly programme of 11th Sharif

Monthly spiritual gathering on the account of 11th sharif was held urder the banner of Minhaj ul Quran Women League (Carpi Italy) on May 4, 2008.

This program was held at Minhaj ul Quran Islamic Center of Carpi. The proceeding of the programe started with the recitation of Holy Quran by Mrs. Nayla Imtiaz. Afterthat Mrs. Aasia, Mrs. Zohra saif, Miss Anam and Mrs. Jabeen Zohra presented Naat sharif.

Ayesha Ali, Hafsa Ali and Sister Iqra presented Qaseeda Burda Sharif and Special Durood sharif in Gosha e Durood style. Further more, in this spiritual Program, some specific text of Hadith were recited with translation and explanation. Allama syed Ghulam Mustafa Mash’hadi delivered speech at this splendid occasion. He elaborated the significats of 11th sharif and presentd some life aspects of the Hazoor Ghaus ul Azam (RA) exalted added to this, he also explaned the glovy of Aulia e Karaam. After the speech of Allama Sahib food was served as Lanagar e Ghausia.
A large number of women participated program in this sacred from carpi and all around areas. The executive body of MQI Women league also honored the program with their presence
Reported By : Samina Shakil
Trnaslated By : Abdul Rehman Siddiqui (Manager IT DFA)
